Jaisalmer - The Desert Beauty
I was not sure whether I wanted to go through all the pain of getting all the way out to Jaisalmer. It is in the far west of Rajasthan just before the Pakistan border.
But I am glad I did it. What a marvel in the desert!

I get there in the morning after my ride on the Indian Sleeper. I'm still tired and exhausted. But the recommendation for acomodation was gold. I take a shower and have breakfast on the rooftop terrace just opposite the fort. Then I head up the hill to go check it out.

Unlike anything I have seen so far, this fort is still inhabited by people. It has little streets winding around corners. Virtually all the houses are covered with rich ornamentation chiseled out of the yellow sand stone.

I head for the city palace and admire the rich decoration of every wall, every corner, every pillar, every piece of furniture. The view is spectacular from its rooftop.
I kick back in a cafe with a fresh mango juice and start to relax.
It is then that I decide to spend more time here and slow down. I want to get some rest from all the moving around. I have only a couple of days left in India and I want them to be nice and keep them in good memory.
This evening I hang out with some fellow travelers on our rooftop terrace once again. We enjoy the view of the fort some great food and a couple of cold Kingfishers.
When I fall into bed later I am sound asleep within seconds.
But I am glad I did it. What a marvel in the desert!

I get there in the morning after my ride on the Indian Sleeper. I'm still tired and exhausted. But the recommendation for acomodation was gold. I take a shower and have breakfast on the rooftop terrace just opposite the fort. Then I head up the hill to go check it out.

Unlike anything I have seen so far, this fort is still inhabited by people. It has little streets winding around corners. Virtually all the houses are covered with rich ornamentation chiseled out of the yellow sand stone.

I head for the city palace and admire the rich decoration of every wall, every corner, every pillar, every piece of furniture. The view is spectacular from its rooftop.

It is then that I decide to spend more time here and slow down. I want to get some rest from all the moving around. I have only a couple of days left in India and I want them to be nice and keep them in good memory.
This evening I hang out with some fellow travelers on our rooftop terrace once again. We enjoy the view of the fort some great food and a couple of cold Kingfishers.
When I fall into bed later I am sound asleep within seconds.
Wie gut, dass Du Dich an dieses Ende der Welt bemueht hast! Indische Wüste kurz vor der pakistanischen Grenze. Und wieder so begeisterte Schilderungen und sagenhaft tolle Bilder.
Gut, dass Du hier ein wenig abhaengen und zur Ruhe kommen willst ... war ja bisher auch genug "Hetze". Haben die ausser einer Kingfisher-bestückten Dachterrasse auch einen swimming pool? Das waer's dann doch !!!
Viel Spass, kuehles Kingfisher und angenehmes Relaxen wuenschen
Momydad aus Bensheim
Ja, so ein Kingfisher ist gelegtlich schon was feines.
Aber Swimmingpool wuerd ich hier nie machen. Die nehmen doch nichtmal Putzmittel, um das Klo sauber zu machen sondern schrubben nur bisschen mit der Klobuerste rueber und kippen nen Eimer klares Wasser ueber alles. Von Chlortabletten fuer Pools haben die doch noch nie was gehoert.
Danke, aber nein danke!
Also ich hab in Delhi in meinem Hotel einen Swimming Pool gehabt, aber okay, das war ectl. auch eine andere Preisklasse als für den Herrn Traveler (obgleich du es ja auch enige Mal hast krachen lassen, was hotels angeht).
Kingfisher schmeckt in der Tat sehr gut und macht so schee besowwe...
Gruß dein Indienexperte aus Vörstetten
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